One thought on “00108849

  1. Patricia Goggin Chisjolm

    I remember vca but I only attended kindergarten. I remember cap and gown and graduation. I had Mrs. Meranda for my teacher. I also remember mother John, playing on the play ground, and one time my mom let me eat in the cafeteria. Boy talk about a home cooked meal…. It was awesome. Nothing like the yucky lunches they feed kids now a days….. Being I only went to kindergarten, I didn’t get to see the other buildings where all the upper class men went. I remember yellow school busses parked way back from the very first building… I’m assuming it was over there… I remember the chapel on campus the little brick bathroom , and oh my gosh…. The roses. They were beautiful. Does anybody out there who went to this school have any pictures of the buildings and the campus? I’ve always wanted to see them….


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