Christmas in July?

Today in Valley History… Gags spark neighborhood fun


Order #00108936

This photo by George Brich ran July 29, 1960 with the caption:  Coming home to find Christmas lights strung all over the house isn’t unusual for certain Granada Hills neighborhood which thrives on practical jokes. Here, Mrs. Betty Williams, right background, enlists aid of neighbors Mrs. Larry Wallen and Dick Strahm to help her undo latest gag pulled on them in retaliation against gag they pulled in retaliation against gag et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

“Christmas in July” was also a popular theme for social and civic events, as seen in this photo from  July 16, 1959.

Order #00109580

Order #00109580

 Mmes. H. J. Matchett, Ray Thelan, Warren Boughton and Harold Hennessy (from left)  prepare for the annual “Christimas in July” fundraising activity sponsored by the Encino Republican Women’s Club, which featured booths selling white elephant and Christmas trinkets. 

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