Photograph article dated November 15, 1963 partially reads, “The first formal complaint of racial discrimination under the new Rumford Fair Housing Act has been filed against the owners, agent and manager of a San Fernando apartment. Fair Employment Practice Commissioner Dwight R. Zook accused the operators of an apartment at 302 Harding St. of refusing an application by the Rev. Nathaniel Lacy Jr. because of his race. Mr. Lacy, 28, Negro pastor of the Methodist Church of Pacoima, sought the apartment for his mother and father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David E. Willis. Charged in the complaint are property owners John and Antonette Ciufo, Van Nuys; agent Barry Marlin, 14011 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, and resident manager G. A. Parker.” Photo by Jeff Goldwater.